Are your goals SMART? *FREE PRINTABLE*


Are your goals SMART?

The S and the M in SMART goals are pretty universal (SPECIFIC and MEASURABLE), but it is the ART that people tend to differ on. This makes me laugh, as I believe good goal setting is indeed an ART.

So here is the ART of good goal setting:

Aligned with your Values

If we aren’t careful, we can pursue goals that others impose upon us, or that we feel we “should” be pursuing. Goals are designed to make your life better. They are not meant to serve as torture, self-flagellation and self-sabotage. Set yourself up for success and choose reasonable goals (with one exception – the BHAG, which I wrote about here!) It’s time to get in touch with what is really important to you and make sure your goals are aligned with that. I'll be writing more about this soon!

Recognise you are on-track and Reward yourself!

Spend a little time working out some milestones for you to meet on your journey to achieving your goal. This will help you assess whether you are on-track or are drifting off-course a little. And it's completely OK to provide yourself with little rewards for achieving your milestones, to keep you energised and motivated.

And of course it's a good idea to decide what your reward will be for achieving your goal. For some people, achieving their goal is reward enough. But I think it's OK to give yourself a special reward for a job well done!


Put a timeframe around your goal so you will keep it in your mind and help you to focus your efforts.

Setting and achieving goals is a BIG topic, and setting SMART goals is just the tip of the iceberg. I'll be writing more about this in the coming weeks and months, but for now start practising setting SMART goals!


I want you to start practising setting SMART Goals!!


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