Balsamic Citrus Strawberry Parfaits with Cashew Walnut "Creme"
/Balsamic Citrus Strawberry Parfaits with Cashew Walnut "Creme"
A few weeks ago I posted my recipe for Balsamic Citrus Strawberries. A recipe that is so simple I hesitated to even post it. But the feedback has been great, so I thought I would share one of my favourite ways of serving them, as parfaits with a Cashew Walnut "Creme".
I love to find ways to "supercharge" my meals with health-giving nutrients. And making a dessert "creme" from super-healthy walnuts is a delicious health hack! Walnuts are nutrient powerhouses! Soooo many studies have shown their myriad health benefits. I wrote about the health benefits of nuts HERE if you are keen to learn more.
Now just a warning... The walnuts in this nut creme tends to turn it a little greyish, so if you are entertaining I recommend making a purely cashew-based creme like my Creamy Citrus Dipping Sauce for fruit, my Maple Spiced Cashew Creme or add in some cacao to disguise the grey - for inspo check out my Choc Cashew Dipping Sauce.
Balsamic Citrus Strawberries
2-3 punnets strawberries, washed, hulled and cut into halves or quarters (depending on their size)
Juice of one orange
2 tablespoons high quality balsamic vinegar
Optional: 1 teaspoon to 1 Tablespoon maple syrup. Make sure you taste your strawberries first. If your strawberries are in-season you probably won't need to add in any extra sweetener.
Cashew Walnut "Creme"
1 cup walnuts, soaked in water for 30 minutes to 1 hour
1 cup cashews, soaked for 30 minutes to 1 hour
Juice of 1-2 oranges (start with one and add more if the "creme" is too thick)
1/2 teaspoon vanilla
1-2 tablespoons maple syrup, according to taste (start with 1 tablespoon and add more if you feel it needs to be sweeter)
Balsamic Citrus Strawberries
Place strawberries in a bowl
Add in balsamic vinegar and orange juice and stir well. Taste, and only add in a little maple syrup if you REALLY feel it needs it.
Cover and refrigerate for at least an hour, stirring occasionally so the strawberries absorb the citrus and balsamic flavour.
Cashew Walnut "Creme"
Place all ingredients in a high speed blender. I use the Vitamix S30 as it is powerful and suitable for blending small amounts like this.
Blend at high speed for 30 seconds to 1 minute or until a smooth creamy texture is achieved.
To assemble:
Spoon Balsamic Citrus Strawberries into a small glass until it is 1/4 to 1/3 full.
Spoon a generous layer of Cashew Walnut "Creme" over strawberries.
Add more strawberries to the glass, and more Cashew Walnut "Creme" if you like.
Serve and enjoy!