Plant-Strong Protein-Powered Mochaccino Mousse


This is a lovely, creamy dessert. Because it is made with silken tofu it is low in calories and fat, but rich in protein.

Don't let the fact that it is made with tofu deter you from trying this dessert. I have served it to many people and everyone loves it!


1 x 250g pack silken tofu, chopped into cubes
1/2 cup raw unsalted cashews, soaked for 30 minutes - 1 hour
150g 70% cocoa chocolate
2 teaspoons instant coffee OR one 50ml shot of strong coffee
1 teaspoon vanilla paste or powder
To sweeten: 2 tablespoons to 1/4 cup Maple syrup (depending on desired level of sweetness)
Jenna's tip: I usually use 1-2 tablespoons of maple syrup and then "boost" the sweetness with a couple of drops of liquid stevia. I find that using Stevia on its own can give an unpleasant aftertaste, but using just a couple of drops to boost sweeteners like maple syrup or honey works a treat!
Extra chocolate for garnish


Place soaked cashews, cubed tofu, vanilla powder/paste, your chosen sweetener into a high speed blender like a Vitamix.
Pulse until all ingredients are combined, then blend until a creamy, smooth consistency is reached.
I recommend adding sweetener gradually until the desired level of sweetness is reached, rather than adding all of your sweetener at once. 

Remove 1/4 of the mousse and set aside to use as the top of your mochaccino mousse.

Melt chocolate and add to the mousse mix in your blender, along with the coffee.
Blend until well combined.

Pour moccha mousse into glasses or dishes, top with the reserved vanilla mousse and garnish with grated chocolate.
Refrigerate for 1 hour.

Serve and enjoy!