Where are you in the OCEAN? The Big 5 Personality Traits
/Where are you in the OCEAN? The Big 5 Personality Traits
"Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom."
~ Aristotle
The OCEAN Model, also known as the Five Factor Model, is a scientifically validated method for assessing where we sit in relation to five key personality traits, or the “Big Five” as they are often called.
Here are the “Big Five” personality traits in the OCEAN Model:
Openness: Our degree of openness to new or different experiences, ideas, emotions. People who score high in this area are generally very intellectually curious, open to new ideas, less strident in their beliefs and more aware of their emotions.
Conscientiousness: Our degree of conscientiousness relates to our self-discipline, and our ability to stay on-course and control our impulses. People who score high in this area tend to be good planners who also consistently follow through to achieve their goals. Being conscientious can help you succeed at work and it can also boost your health! Studies have linked high conscientiousness scores with an array of positive health outcomes from obesity-avoidance to life extension!
Extraversion: Our degree of extraversion relates to our propensity to engage in the world around us, the breadth of our external interests and our interactions with others. People who score high in this area tend to feel energised in social situations. Most of us display a mix of extravert and introvert traits. There is an interesting strand of new research seeking to understand the links between our degree of extraversion and our central nervous system.
Agreeableness: Our degree of agreeableness relates to how highly we value social harmony. People who score high in this area show empathy and consideration for the needs and emotions of others, value and display trustworthiness, are motivated to help others and are open to compromise in order to get along with others. Those who score low in this area are happy to place self-interest above relationships with others, and are generally less willing to expend effort to help others.
Neuroticism: Our degree of neuroticism relates to our tendency to experience and display negative emotions like anger or unhappiness. People with high levels of neuroticism tend to be especially vulnerable to stress, emotionally reactive and pessimistic.
Are you curious to find out where you are in the OCEAN?
There are a number of validated survey questionnaires you can find with a simple google search. Or simply take a few moments to simply contemplate each element of OCEAN and assess where you sit within each trait.