Why Do We Eat What We Eat?

Why Do We Eat What We Eat?

Have you ever wondered why we eat the foods we eat? In an ideal world, we would always choose healthy, nutrient-dense foods to give our bodies the energy, macro- and micronutrients they need, in the amounts they need.

The first step to improving our nutrition and food choices (or any other habit, really) is to understand why we do what we do. A little bit of self-awareness can have a powerful, positive impact on our health and our lives. Knowledge is power, dahlinks! So let’s take a look at the twelve factors that can influence our food choices…

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Should You Go To a Health Retreat?

Should You go to a Health Retreat?

Should You go to a Health Retreat?

I was asked this question by an overworked, overstressed lawyer friend recently.

My answer is “it depends”.

I’m something of a “lay-expert” when it comes to health retreats. I have been to more than I can count over the last 20 years, in Australia and overseas, from basic to ultra-luxurious.

What’s great about health retreats?

Well, firstly, it’s a holiday.

Recent research by travel company Expedia found that many of us don’t take advantage of our annual leave entitlements each year. And that’s not a good thing. Work-associated burnout is at pandemic levels among professionals, and is associated with a number of serious health issues including heart disease, mental health issues, type 2 diabetes, gastrointestinal issues, and even premature death. And taking a holiday when you need it can be a protective health factor. “Detatching from work” (the technical term used in the scientific literature) is considered an essential protective factor against burnout and its associated adverse health impacts. And taking time off work, whether for a few days or a few weeks, can be protective of our health, and particularly the health of our hearts. And the more relaxing the vacation, the better the health benefits.

It shines a spotlight on our wellbeing

In our daily lives, it’s all too easy to put work, family and the thousand-and-one things on our To-Do list ahead of the things we need to do to be healthy and happy. So in my book, anything that helps to remind us to put our health and wellbeing front-and-centre is a very good thing.

It’s a controlled environment

You don’t need to worry about food shopping or cooking, or making decisions about whether or when to exercise. And the temptations of sugary, salty snacks, booze and cigarettes are off the table.

An opportunity to build new, healthy habits

A health retreat vacation can help you circuit-break unhealthy habits like salty or sugary snacks, smoking or opening a bottle of wine in the evening. And help you build healthy new habits like early morning exercise, meditation and getting to bed at a sensible hour.

What’s not so great about health retreats?

They’re expensive

Depending on where you choose, the daily rate can range from $400 to $1200 per night. Take a surf around a couple of booking sites to see what sort of amazing accommodation you can get for these prices. And the costs don’t stop there. Health retreats usually offer an array of massages and spa treatments, and many actually schedule time each day for guests to book treatments. And again, they are often much more expensive than the same service in your home suburb.

Variable quality of health info and advice

I used to love going to health retreats when I was a crazy-busy, stressed out lawyer. I especially enjoyed the seminars where we would learn about health and wellbeing. But these days, with a Masters degree in Nutrition, I can’t bring myself to sit through some of the bunk that is presented as “health information” at the health retreats I used to go to. Telling busy professionals to cut out entire nutritious food groups which will only push them into nutruent deficiency, or to make sure they include lots of the “good salt”, just makes me fume.

Dodgy “treatments”

I’ve been to health retreats that were staffed by highly-qualified allied health professionals, and others where people with no qualifications at all were trying to bully me into expensive “treatments” no reputable professional would offer. Some of the “must-have treatments” offered by some health retreats are unnecessary and can be downright dangerous. I’ve been offered herb-infused colonics (with icky looking equipment), and an ayurvedic treatment where herbal oil is poured in my eyes. No thanks!!!

It’s not your real life

Not only are health retreats not like real life, they are often lightyears away from “normal life”. So the habits you start to build on your retreat may not work when you get back to your home environment. There is a very real danger that you will quickly revert back to your old habits once you leave the hyper-controlled health retreat environment.

So, should you go to a health retreat?

If you can easily afford it, and you’ve never been to a health retreat, there’s no harm in trying one for a short stay to see if you like it. But make sure you do a little research first, read reviews and when you are there, be careful about the “treatments on offer”, and be very careful about taking any health advice - check with your doctor before making any drastic changes.

These days, I personally prefer to spend my “health and wellbeing” money on sessions with my exercise physiologist, on massages and beautiful fresh produce. And my “holiday” money on fabulous AirBnB’s where I can create my own healthy holidays!


Salvagioni DA, Melanda FN, Mesas AE, González AD, Gabani FL, de Andrade SM. Physical, psychological and occupational consequences of job burnout: A systematic review of prospective studies. PloS one. 2017 Oct 4;12(10):e0185781.

Sonnentag S, Fritz C. Recovery from job stress: The stressor‐detachment model as an integrative framework. Journal of Organizational Behavior. 2015 Feb;36(S1):S72-103.

De Bloom J, Geurts SA, Kompier MA. Vacation (after-) effects on employee health and well-being, and the role of vacation activities, experiences and sleep. Journal of Happiness Studies. 2013 Apr 1;14(2):613-33.

De Bloom J, Geurts SA, Sonnentag S, Taris T, de Weerth C, Kompier MA. How does a vacation from work affect employee health and well-being?. Psychology & Health. 2011 Dec 1;26(12):1606-22.

The Problem With Diet Books

The Problem With Diet Books

The Problem With Diet Books

Diet books are EVERYWHERE.

Entire shelves are devoted to them in bookstores, and online retailers offer thousands to choose from.

Pritikin, Atkins, Fit for Life, Paleo, Stop the Insanity, Dukan, Blood Type, Sugar Busters, The Zone, 5:2, South Beach, Protein Power, Whole30, pH Miracle

Depending on your age, chances are you will be familiar with all of the above diet books, or the diets they promote. And you may even have tried one or more of them too.

But here’s my problem with diet books:

Many (or probably most) are based on dodgy science.

Even the ones with pages and pages of citations of scientific studies; when you scratch the surface, the claims just don’t add up.

And it gets confusing too. Because different diet books dictate different - usually very rigid - ways of eating. And more often than not, they demonise foods or food groups. Are carbs the devil? Or is it fat? Or “bad fats”? Or is it actually grains? Or gluten? Or plant lectins? Or animal protein?

To the extent that they work, it is because you are consuming less calories than you ordinarily would.

Have you noticed that most of these books require you to follow the diet in “phases”? And that the first phase is incredibly restrictive? Yup, they set it up so that the diet “works”! So you can write your online review and tell your friends, I’m on week three and my pants are looser!

When it comes to diet books, there is very little “quality control”. If you are an expert in nutrition and want to publish an article in a medical or scientific journal, then you will first have to submit it for “peer review” - a group of qualified experts will subject the statements you make in your article to scientific scrutiny, including whether the studies you cite actually support the statements you make.

But there is no “peer review” process for diet and nutrition books. Publishing houses are experts in, well, publishing. They bring in teams of marketing and public relations experts to promote their books, not scientific experts to make sure the science stacks up. And this has allowed many diet book authors to make claims about how we should eat for weight loss or health benefits that are not backed up by the science.

I’m not saying all diet and nutrition books are bad. There are some great books out there, and I’m in favour of anything that helps to guide and remind us to make healthier choices. Books can be a great way to expand our knowledge, or remind us of what we need to do to live healthy, happy, long lives. Ans as a book lover, I’m not going to tell you to stop buying diet books. We all know that’s not gonna happen!

So how can you sort the books with reliable health info from the pseudo-science, moneyspinning bunk?

I’m so happy to have discovered this recently-launched website that does the work for us. A group of qualified scientists have given their time to test the science in a number of popular diet books. You can check it out at https://www.redpenreviews.org *

They only have a few book reviews on their site so far, but hopefully that will change over time, so we can have a great resource to check before we go healthy book shopping!

And in case you’re wondering, I have no affiliation with Red Pen Reviews or anyone involved with it. I have recommended it because I think it is a great resource.

Further reading:




The health risks of prolonged sitting - and how you can reduce your risk!

The health risks of prolonged sitting - and how you can reduce your risk!

They say sitting is the new smoking. But in my view it is much worse. Why? Because it is sooooooo ubiquitous. Pretty much every aspect of our lives is centred around sitting: our work, our travel, our leisure. Our society is structured in such a way that we need to make a special effort to reduce the amount we sit. And it's imperative for our health that we do!

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Mind Your Microbiome

Mind Your Microbiome

Did you know we have approximately 1kg of bacteria in our digestive system?!? Research is revealing that the balance of bacteria in our bodies can have a big impact on our health, our immunity and even our psychological wellbeing. So it pays to make sure we have LOTS of the healthy good guys in there fighting the good fight for us! How do we do this? There are three things we can do: 

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Things To Count Instead Of Calories - Part 2

Things To Count Instead Of Calories - Part 2

This is the second part in a two-part series. In Part 1, I listed ten food-related items that might help you get a better idea of how healthy your diet is than simply counting calories. In this part, I want to acknowledge that our health is impacted by SO MUCH MORE than what we eat! So here is my in-no-particular-order list of non-food things to count (or track) as you travel along your healthy happy journey.

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