Why Do We Eat What We Eat?

Why Do We Eat What We Eat?

Have you ever wondered why we eat the foods we eat? In an ideal world, we would always choose healthy, nutrient-dense foods to give our bodies the energy, macro- and micronutrients they need, in the amounts they need.

The first step to improving our nutrition and food choices (or any other habit, really) is to understand why we do what we do. A little bit of self-awareness can have a powerful, positive impact on our health and our lives. Knowledge is power, dahlinks! So let’s take a look at the twelve factors that can influence our food choices…

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*FREE PRINTABLE* This tool can help you eat healthier, save money and avoid food waste!

*FREE PRINTABLE* This tool can help you eat healthier, save money and avoid food waste!

** FREE PRINTABLE ** I have to admit, when I first tried this I didn't think much was going to come of the experiment. But we are eating healthier, avoiding food waste and saving money. YOU MUST TRY THIS!!

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