It's Time to Reduce the Unnecessary Drains on Your Time & Energy! *FREE PRINTABLES*

It's Time to Reduce the Unnecessary Drains on Your Time & Energy! *FREE PRINTABLES*

** FREE PRINTABLES ** We only have so much time and energy to go around....  And so many things we want to experience and achieve.
I highly recommend taking a look at the unhelpful, unproductive and unnecessary things that are absorbing our time, energy and emotional bandwidth. And then committing to reducing, controlling or eliminating them. Let me show you how!

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Your Permission Slip...

Your Permission Slip...

Every now and then, it can be incredibly therapeutic to step back and take a good look at the people you are surrounding yourself with. Are they kind to you? Supportive? Do they espouse the values you wish to live by? How do you feel after you have spent time with them? Energised? Drained? Upset? Uplifted? Maybe it's time to do a little friend audit....

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