Low(er) Sugar Cranberry and Apple Sauce

Low(er) Sugar Cranberry and Apple Sauce

One of the best things about making your own food is that you become conscious of what goes into processed and restaurant foods. And nowhere is this more relevant than when making Cranberry Sauce. If you look around at recipes you will see that making cranberry sauce involves a LOT of sugar.Right now we are getting ready for a Healthy Thanksgiving at my place next month. And there's no way we're serving up a sauce containing that much sugar! So we set out to make our own healthier version, trying to make a delicious sauce using only a fraction of the sugar. This we what I came up with, and it's pretty darn good if I do say so myself!

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12 Small Simple Steps to Healthier Eating Habits

12 Small Simple Steps to Healthier Eating Habits

So many people think they have to make huge life-altering changes their diet to improve their health and lose weight. And sadly, the prospect of such big changes cause many people to give up before they even start. I want to shout from the rooftops: getting healthier, having more energy and maintaining a healthy weight should not require disruptive, unpleasant changes to your life!! You just need to make small, sustainable tweaks. And embed them until they become a permanent habit. And then make a few more simple tweaks. You get the picture! So here are a few simple, relatively painless, tweaks you can make to your diet today which will yield high positive benefits over time!

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